Information and support for children and young people

Here you can look for information, advice and help. Below are some links we think you will find useful.

Ask the Police – also available to download as an app


Bullying UK – a website that offers advice and support to parents, children and young people


CEOP Think u know – keeping children and young people safe online

Karma Nirvana – help and support for those who may be a victim or survivor of forced marriage

Kidscape – Help to prevent bullying

Lets Talk About It – working together to help prevent terrorism

Online safety – Staysafe’s guide on Internet Safety for Teens

Papyrus – prevention of young suicide

South Yorkshire Police

“Talk to Frank” – a source of friendly and confidential advice about drugs and alcohol for young people.

Young Minds – The voice for young people’s mental health and wellbeing
Youth Parliament UK – provides opportunities for 11-18 year olds to use their elected voice to bring about social change through meaningful representation and campaigning

What is child abuse

Dangerous Dogs and keeping children and young people safe

Dogs Trust advice on safety and dogs

RSPCA advice on keeping kids safe